One of the basic problems regarding brand management is that management and clients (to include, in many instances, those involved in operations) distance themselves entirely in design process. For this very reason only five of the new brands to enter the market in Great Britain over the past 25 years have been successful. On the positive side, however, there have been some fascinating examples which have managed to survive difficult times, among them Merrill Lynch, Starbucks, Apple and Red Bull representing the successful ones. So why did some succeed where others have failed?
The answer to this question is anchored deeply in the collective subconscious of mankind: These brands typify archetypes which appeal to certain fundamental questions people have been asking for thousands of years and thus have developed a magnetic attraction.
Brand Management in the Age of Consciousness
In the Age of Consciousness, in which people demand more authenticity, it is no longer enough to achieve brand recognition, security or added value – one has to share with your coworkers and clients the very beliefs that are deeply rooted in the collective subconscious of mankind.
Only this inner transformation can ensure brand loyalty in difficult times.
Brands that typify one of the 12 archetypes achieve this level. This level of marketing is called “TRANSFORMATIVE MARKETING”. To implement this concept we have designed a special 3-Day procedure:
Day 1: Identify your brand’s dominant archetype and define the relationships of decision makers, employees and clients with this archetype. (This is achieved by using a test specially developed for this purpose.)
Day 2: The archetype’s history is worked out jointly in a “Company Academy” in which experts from the areas of trend research and marketing, along with teachers of the ancient foundations of mankind, research the basic elements of the brand.
Day 3: The decision makers compose together the archetype picture of their business/product.
Transformative Marketing has been created by Andreas Salcher in cooperation with Wolfgang Eigner and ranks among the most innovative concepts of brand management. To date many companies have already applied it successfully. To arrange a presentation appointment in your company please contact: andreas [at] salcher [dot] co [dot] at